Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ok, so I FINALLY got to see Watchmen! (Who watches the Watchmen!?) And being the dork that I am, I LOVED IT! :)

Now, I heard it was a lot different from the novel, and shorter, too (which is hard to believe considering the movie is 2 and a half hours long....), but I, for one, APPRECIATE when the movie and book are different. It gives you the chance to enjoy both. And regardless of how awesome the book may be, the movie still seemed to do it justice. The action was good, but I think what I liked the most was the fact that there was more STORY than action. I hate when Hollywood blockbusters just throw in action sequences for the hell of it! (cough....Transformers 2....cough.....) Give me an action sequence for a REASON, and if that means you don't have many action scenes, that's fine, but they better all be damn amazing! ;)

However, I must admit that I think the best part of the movie was not the action, nor the story, nor even the characters and the acting....what ruled in this movie was the MUSIC!!! And not just that, but the film's USE of the music. It was very inspiring. My favorite was the beginning sequence, when the Comedian was getting beat up, and the whole fight was choreographed to "Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole. Music usage doesn't get any better than that... ;)

I give this movie a HALF REDBULL
(meaning I would only need half a Redbull to watch the Watchmen all over again!)

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