Sunday, August 23, 2009

Billy Elliot (the movie)

Wow. This is one emotional film....

I'm so glad I watched this again since high school. I thought I didn't like it way back when it first came out (2000), but now I realize that it was just the fact that I "didn't get it." Because tonight, I thought this movie was brilliant!!!

First off, right from the bat, I want to recognize Julie Walters. This woman is a phenomenal actress! Being the nerd that I am, I always knew Julie for her role as Molly Weasley in the Harry Potter films (and I am uber excited to see her duke it out with Belatrix Lastrange in the last movie...), but watching her as Billy's ballet teacher was more than inspirational. You don't see many teachers these days who want to teach just for the sake of teaching, or in this case--because she sees a boy with talent. And although they never mention this in the film, we as an audience know that Mrs. Wilkinson is the mother figure that Billy always longed for, and Julie Walters was more than perfect in the role. So already, I THANK YOU, Julie, for such a wonderful performance... :)

Next--the story is well beyond inspirational. I like to consider myself a musical theatre major, but these days, you have to be a triple threat, and if I have one thing missing, it's my ability to dance. But I've always WANTED to dance! I can just never find the time or money to take classes. But what Billy Elliot showed me is that that doesn't matter. The money will come if we are meant to do something. But in the meantime, you just have to do what you love...

And Jamie Bell as Billy Elliot! His dance sequences had me in awe! It's like he would mix jazz with tap with ballet with modern with you name it! But more importantly, he danced what he felt! After his audition, when he is asked how dancing makes him feel, and his response is:

"Don't know. Sorta feels good. Sorta stiff and that, but once I get going...then I like, forget everything. And...sorta disappear. Sorta disappear. Like I feel a change in my whole body. And I've got this fire in my body. I'm just there. Flyin' like a bird. Like electricity. electricity..."

Well, that moment made me cry. I feel like we all feel this way sometimes. Like there's something we're meant to do, but we just don't know how to explain how amazing it feels...

I must also give credit to Gary Lewis as Billy's father. To watch him go from being 100% unsupportive to 150% supportive of his son was quite the journey to behold! I especially love his reaction at the end of the film when Billy comes out on stage to dance. And to see Jackie Elliot almost give up on his beliefs and work in the mines again just to support his son's dreams....well....that makes up for how mean he was at the beginning of the movie.

But who I felt was most touching in this movie was the simplest character of them all--the Grandma (played by Jean Heywood). Most of her lines were, "I could have been a professional dancer..." And although everyone thought she was crazy, she was right! We can ALL be what we want to be with determination and hard work, otherwise we let life go by and wither away like dear old Grandma...

But I think that's just what Billy Elliot is's about not missing out on our chances before it's too late. That and to always follow our dreams--no matter how ridiculous someone else may think they are....

I give this movie NO REDBULLS!!!
(meaning I could watch this movie over and over again without the need for my favorite energy drink...)

Here's to happy dreaming.... ;)

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