Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

This movie was super cute! I've always been a fan of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but Zooey was also perfectly cast this time around. The connection between the two of them was very natural and beautiful all at once.

And I have to admit, the story was better than I expected... At first, I thought the scenes were going to be too choppy for me, as the timeline kept skipping back and forth between the end of the 500 days and the beginning of it. But as the film progressed, the jumping of time made perfect sense and it never got confusing. It also made many of the moments funnier than called for, so that's always a plus.

What I DIDN'T LIKE, however, was that it "WASN'T" a love story! The narrator says so from the beginning, and it makes sense when you read the end of the movie, but I WANTED a love story! As an optimist, I WANTED the "perfect ending" so to speak. (But then again, I also wanted Dawson and Joey to end up together on "Dawson's Creek," but we all know what happened there....) I guess the ending made me sad, even though I KNEW it was coming, but it made me think about our own relationships and if two people, whether they be friends or lovers, ever really DO stay together for the rest of their lives. What if I WANT to find someone to be with forever? Is that too much to ask for? According to this movie....it is..... :(

I give this movie only 1 REDBULL!
(meaning I would only need 1 Redbull to sit and watch it all over again)

***Feel free to comment, and THANKS FOR READING! (Tell your friends...) ;)


  1. Thanks Josh --I LOVE your idea to share music -- it's like an online book club, but so much cooler!!

    Am popping to that link now...

    Your pal,

  2. Thanks Donell! I'm following you 3 times with all my gmail and aim accounts, lol. Could you follow me on here as well? That would be great! Thanks! :)

    And Erin, yeah, check out his site. I just did, and it's a great idea for a blog. And we need to see another movie soon, my movie buddy.... :)

