Wednesday, June 10, 2009


liam-neeson-taken-poster.jpg image by Freckles_pics2

Saw the movie "Taken" last night.  It was pretty good.  A lot better than I expected.  I mean, after seeing the trailer, we all knew this movie was about revenged.  Guy has a daughter.  Daughter gets taken.  Guy goes after her kidnappers.  But it was more than that...
The plot was very well written.  And the characters were much more intriguing than I thought they would have been.  Even the action sequences were pretty good.  I must admit that I was rooting for Liam Neeson's character the whole time.  :)

SO.......I give this movie 2 REDBULLS!
(In other words, if I were super tired, I would only need 2 Redbulls to stay awake for this film, lol)  :)

So good job, "Taken" crew....I thought I was going to be bored, but I wasn't....

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your review, although I don't know the conversion rate from Red Bulls to stars. :P

    The movie turned out a bit darker than I thought though. Yeah, we all knew she got "Taken" (unless if your simple), but to be sold as a sex slave. Blergh.

    Good movie though.
