Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flash Forward

Ok, so HOW AWESOME IS THIS SHOW!? We're only two episodes in, and I'm already completely hooked! I know ABC is trying to capture it's die-hard Lost fans (which is totally me...), and this is the perfect show for them to do that with, but I am expecting it to be a little easier to follow than Lost.

Of course, I'm already wondering how the season will end...and will it end on April 29th, 2010? Is that why they chose that date? Most shows don't end until mid-May, so will there be a few episodes AFTER we catch up to the future, or are we watching on a Lost "time schedule" in which there's been 5 seasons, yet besides the flashbacks, only about 3 months went by with our survivors on the island? (And that doesn't include time travel either...)

But the real questions are: WHO are the two mysterious figures who were AWAKE during the black out??? And WHAT caused the black out to occur in the first place??? Oh, and WHERE IS DOMINIC MONAGHAN??? I loved seeing Seth MacFarlane on the first episode, and the show on a whole reminds me of 24, but rather than living one hour at a time, these characters live one DAY at a time... :)

THEORIES: I know the producers are saying that Flash Forward has NOTHING TO DO WITH LOST....but what if it does....of course, I NEVER want Lost to end, but we all know it has to, especially if we want it to remain concise. But what if ABC is not just trying to give Lost fans a new show, but rather CONTINUE the same concept/ideas with a different series such as Flash Forward? For those Lost fans out there, we all know what happened at the end of season 5....but what if "The Incident" is what caused the blackout in Flash Forward??? HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE!?!? We all know a magnetic pulse made Oceanic flight 815 crash on the island, so I can totally believe that a hydrogen bomb going off made the entire WORLD blackout for 2 minutes and 17 sconds...

...see how cool this show can be.... ;)

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