Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I finally got to watch Religulous today, and I'm a big fan of Bill Maher. He's usually right. Usually.... But I must admit, I was not that impressed with his documentary, and this saddens me. :(

First off, we must admit that most, if not, ALL documentaries are one-sided. There's always two sides to any story, no matter what, hands down, even if one side is more MORAL than POLITICAL, but at least let the other guy talk...

In his film, Bill travels to all different parts of the world to debate the concept of religion with other people. But does he really debate? I would have to say that in 90% of the movie, he TALKS OVER what his "opponents" are trying to say. He barely lets them get a word in, and if he does, he just calls them stupid. But who is he to judge???

Now, I am hardly a religious person (I believe in God, but I'm gay, so you do the math, lol), but I at least like to think of myself as OPEN MINDED and UNDERSTANDING of other people and their beliefs. But if Bill Maher was trying to find a "purpose" for religion with his documentary, I hate to admit that it didn't come across that way. All I saw was a guy who just wanted to go around and prove HIS point to people who saw differently than he did. And although I AGREE with most of his beliefs, it just made me angry that he want around trying to FORCE people to see his views as well, when I think the whole concept of religion is based on one's own PERSONAL beliefs. If all religions learned to accept the fact that other people should have the right to believe something different, this world would be a much different place...and Bill Maher doesn't help by showing his views down other people's throats. If you ask me, that's pretty religious of him... :)

I give this movie 3 REDBULLS!!!
(...because I would need 3 Redbulls to stay awake to watch it again...)

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