Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Super 8

This was--BY FAR--the most beautiful film ever made!

And here's why...

A little over 5 years ago, I lost a dear friend of mine to suicide. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think about my friend at least once. Now, although the situation was extremely depressing, what my friend taught me was that life CAN be what we make of it, and that it's also best to go through life with other people rather than being alone.

That being said, Super 8 is about all that...and more!

First off, I have to ask: Was anyone else reminded of The Goonies while watching this film? I sure was, and my only hope is that this movie become a cult classic of the current generation. The child actors of Super 8 were just as good as our favorite "goons," and I wish them all the same well deserved fame. Joel Courtney and Riley Griffiths were the perfect duo! I could never lay my eye off of either of them. And toward the end (SPOILER ALERT!!!), when Joel confronted the monster and said, "Bad things happen. But you can still live." Well, that felt like my own friend was speaking directly to me. If only HE had known that...

It must also be known that J.J. Abrams is a genius. (And I should know because I work with Geniuses at the Apple store!) Any director who can use child actors to their full potential and make them look even better than their adult counterparts has true talent! He is also a mastermind in mystery and suspense. He has all the skills M. Night Shyamalan wishes he had! But being a major fan of LOST, I am only glad that it is J.J. who continues to master his mysterious skills.

My apologies to Red Bull, but if I had to see this movie again, I would need:


I could watch this movie over and over again, even after working the most exhausting 24 hour day in my life! The message alone is worth reminding ourselves of life's value. I may have taken my friend's life for granted 5 years ago, but I REFUSE to do the same with my own!

This one's for you, Rob...

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