I like movies. A lot. I also have lots of opinions about the films I see. So I rate them in regards to how many Red Bulls I would need to watch the movie all over again. I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to comment! :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"Don't Stop Believing!"
dont stop believing,
Joshua Desjardins,
new york city,
Monday, June 29, 2009
I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
Ok, so I've seen this movie before, but after an eventful Gay Pride weekend here in NYC, I must say this "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" is a BEAUTIFUL film! :)
I was always a fan of Adam Sandler, but this one is truly one of his best works. The message is so strong, I almost want to thank Adam and Kevin for being so supportive of what has become such a debatable issue as of late in this country. Every time I see this movie, it makes me cry, but it's because of films like this that I KNOW that same-sex marriage will become legal during my life time. To see how far gay rights and civil rights have come in 40 years since the incident at Stonewall Inn, I look forward to seeing how "forward" the next 40 will take us....
Happy Gay Pride!!! :)
gay rights,
Joshua Desjardins,
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
So I was DYING to see Transformers 2 this weekend, but was a little disappointed in what I saw...
Ok, we all know the action is phenomenal! Michael Bay is definitely a MASTER at making an action-packed movie. There's no questioning that...
But what about "story" these days? Last summer, "The Dark Knight" was so popular because the STORY was captivating! I only WISH I could say the same for "Revenge of the Fallen." :(
Literally, the trouble begins when Shia LaBeouf just "happens" to find a piece of the energy cube from the first movie in his old sweatshirt. Oh really? Is that the best scenario we could come up with to get the decepticons back on earth? Was there even a first draft? Or was what we saw it?
I will admit, the plot got a little better with the legend of "The Fallen," but then it only got worse again when they tried to make Megan Fox look as slutty as girls get, not to mention the fact that they turn a "hot girl" into a machine. Since when did the Terminator get mixed up with Transformers?
The movie was also a bit long....and by "a bit" I mean a half hour. I think the plot had no idea where it was going, which also means it had no idea where to end. I mean, yes, I go to see action movies for action, but when there are so many fight scenes, most of which that look the same, it's gotta end at some point. I felt like some of the action was taken away because it happened so often. Give me a break in between fights, Michael. I need a breather so that I can ENJOY your next awesome fight sequence. :)
I will give props to the "comedy" of the script, however. I remember when "The Mummy" taught us that most action flicks do well when there is humor involved. Hell, I still quote "Eat floor!" from "Batman Returns." So I give all the props to Julie White as Sam's mother and John Turturro as EX-agent Simmons. Both roles are perfectly cast, and they do add a much needed humor to the movie. Their timing is impeccable, I only hope to see them in the movies more often. :)
I rate this movie 2 REDBULLS
(meaning I would need 2 full Redbulls to stay awake to watch this film...maybe 3 now that I've already seen it...)
john turturro,
Joshua Desjardins,
julie white,
megan fox,
michael bay,
shia labeouf,
This movie was much better than expected. Don't get my wrong, I LOVE Daniel Craig (huge Bond fan, here), but when I see a trailer for a movie, I expect them all to be the same, if not, very similar. But "Defiance" was different...
This movie almost reversed the typical roles of the Jews and Germans during WWII. For once, the Jews fought back for their independence. And I enjoyed it because this is what this group of people living in the woods had to figure out...do they run and hide to survive? Or do they fight back if necessary, even if what they're fighting for is exactly what the Germans are doing to them? The moral of the story is a tough one, but it was extremely well told, and I enjoyed this much different view on the Holocaust....
I give this movie 1.5 REDBULLS
(meaning I would only need 1 and a half Redbulls to stay awake to watch this film...)
daniel craig,
Joshua Desjardins,
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Daddy's Text
Tonight, my dad sent me a text that said the following:
"Josh, have I told you lately that I'm really proud of you!? You're doing a lot like web design, networking, cabarets, etc. to make a go of it. Hang in there, you will succeed. Luv u!"
I love my daddy... :)
Joshua Desjardins,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Proposal
I saw the Proposal yesterday, and this movie was just as good as I expected it to be! Ryan Reynolds is the perfect leading man, and Sandra Bullock is great in everything she does. Granted, this was a very typical role for her, but she plays the "ice queen" role well, and yet had some very truthful moments. AND BETTY WHITE!!! What a gem!!! She should be a national treasure! So funny! I loved this move severely! :) It was heartfelt and beautiful.
I give this movie 1 REDBULL!
(That's like 4 stars, because I would only need 1 redbull to stay awake for this film...)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Hangover
Well....what are you waiting for....GO!!!!! :)
Joshua Desjardins,
The Great Outdoors

Saw the movie, "The Great Outdoors" tonight starring Dan Aykroyd and John Candy....HOW DID I MISS THIS MOVIE WHEN I WAS A CHILD!? I'm not one for 80's movies, but this was everything I expected. It was corny, yet funny, and a typical John Candy film. If you missed this one when you were a kid, go rent it today... :)
dan aykroyd,
great outdoors,
john candy,
Joshua Desjardins,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Next to Normal
So I saw "Next to Normal" on Broadway tonight....
.....and it was poetically brilliant! Alice Ripley deserved the Tony for her role as Diana, and she was even so sweet enough to talk to me after the show about how hard it was to go through at first. My mother has manic depression, so I told her I could relate, but I also commended her for having a smile on her face when she came out to greet her fans.
I also have to acknowledge Adam Chanler-Berat for his wonderful role as the supportive friend/boyfriend of Natalie. He was so innocently perfect in so many ways.
Michael Berry was the understudy on for the role of Dan this evening, and he, too, was fantastic! If there had been no announcement in the beginning of the program, I would have never noticed it wasn't the original Dan...
Oh, and Kyle Dean Massey who plays Gabe is extremely gorgeous....and he has an amazing voice......and he's hot......and I want to be him......just putting it out there...... ;)
All in all, thank you to the cast and crew of "Next to Normal" for a wonderful production! The music was superb, and I couldn't have asked for a better evening...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Rachel Getting Married
This....movie.....was.....BEAUTIFUL!!!! I had heard it was good when it was in the theaters, but no one told me it was THAT GOOD!!!! I would recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. Although the story line is hard to deal with, the acting is truly sincere and heartfelt.
I give this move NO REDBULLS!!!!
(meaning I would need NO REDBULLS to stay awake...I was captured the entire time!) :)
anne hathaway,
Joshua Desjardins,
rachel getting married,
Google Reader
Does everyone else know about Google Reader? How did I not know about this!?!?
Google Reader is the perfect place to read blogs, news paper articles, funny/stupid stories and more! Ever wonder what an RSS feed was? Well, apparently when you subscribe to an RSS feed on someone's blog, newspaper site, or even a Twitter or YouTube account, all the new updates get uploaded into your own personal Google Reader. If you use gmail (or even if you don't), on the top left hand corner of your mailbox (or google.com) are buttons for your calendar, mail, etc. Click on the "reader" button to follow your favorite blogs, news sites, Twitter accounts, YouTube videos, and more!
Just one more reason why Google rocks! :)
Joshua Desjardins,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The plot was very well written. And the characters were much more intriguing than I thought they would have been. Even the action sequences were pretty good. I must admit that I was rooting for Liam Neeson's character the whole time. :)
SO.......I give this movie 2 REDBULLS!
(In other words, if I were super tired, I would only need 2 Redbulls to stay awake for this film, lol) :)
So good job, "Taken" crew....I thought I was going to be bored, but I wasn't....
Joshua Desjardins,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Patina Miller in Sister Act
This blog goes out to my girl, Patina Miller!!! You go, sister! :)
Joshua Desjardins,
patina miller,
sister act
It's official....
"Nerds Among Us" is my one-man show/cabaret I first performed back in April here in New York City. Check out my website and help me get it up on it's feet! :)
Joshua Desjardins,
nerds amond us,
new york city,
He's Just Not That Into You (Part II)
Ok, so I LOVED "He's Just Not That Into You" so much that I went out and bought it today. Just thought I would share this info with you....
....that is all..... :)
best buy,
hes just not that into you,
Joshua Desjardins,
I watched Valkyrie tonight, and it was pretty decent. The movie was typical Tom Cruise, and I WISH he had a German accent because, for me, that made it a little unbelievable.
BUT...I enjoyed the story line because it's one you don't hear very often. Usually, when one talks about World War II, ALL Germans are the "bad guys" with Hitler in control. But this movie shows us one of 20 attempts that were made by actual Nazis to assassinate Hitler.
It reminds me of the movie, "Swing Kids"........not ALL Germans were the "bad guys" during those days, and "Valkyrie" reminded us of just that....
I give it 2 REDBULLS!!!
(I would only need 2 out of 5 Redbulls to make it through this movie....in other words, that's like giving it 3 out of 5 stars)
Joshua Desjardins,
world war II,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
He's Just Not That Into You
My review for "He's Just Not That Into You..."
When this movie first came out, it got mixed reviews at the box office. Granted, I never usually let that affect me from seeing a movie, but I just never found the time and held off from seeing it...but I'm disappointed I did....
This movie was GREAT! MUCH BETTER than I expected it to be, but maybe because I didn't expect that much after all the hype about it had died down.
Now, I have to admit, this movie was also EXTREMELY PREDICTABLE!
*******SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!*******
If anyone didn't see it coming that Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Alex (Justin Long) would get together in the end, I am declaring you legally blind. We all knew it was going to happen, but what I liked about their relationship is that Alex didn't realize he was in love with Gigi until she told him about her feelings for him. And isn't that how love usually works? The best relationships come from those we never expect to work out....
Also, there was lots of "poetic justice" in the movie, too. (ANOTHER SPOILER!!!!) We all saw it coming that Neil (Ben Affleck) would eventually give in and propose to Beth (Jennifer Aniston), but it still made me cry because it was a beauitful moment. Also was glad that Ben (Bradley Cooper) got what was coming to him, because he played the perfect "cheating douchebag." And much love to Jennifer Connelly for her role as Janine. Her character was very natural, yet she had some great moments! She brought much depth to someone who could have been boring.
Anyway, all in all, this movie as a whole captured a great part of life that we ALL go through....sometimes, the guys or girls we meet just aren't into us, and that's it. Therefore, I give this movie.....
(meaning....I would only need 1.5 redbulls to stay awake to watch this film, and make those sugar free....and out of 5 redbulls, that's like a 3.5 out of 5 stars....)
Great job, cast of "He's Just Not That Into You!" As for everyone else, if he's not calling you, just deal with it, because he's just not that into you.... :)
hes just not that into you,
Joshua Desjardins,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Ok, so here's the story....

One of my good friends from both my home in Massachusetts AND Point Park University has a sister....his sister, Michaela, is my #1 fan....
Now, I don't know WHY she thinks I'm so awesome, but she does, and I am so thankful for both her and her brother! So I just wanted to show how appreciative I am about her by dedicating a blog just to her!
So here's to you, Michaela...thanks for being my #1 fan! :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hey everyone! Check out the new look for the OFFICIAL www.joshuadesjardins.com!
Joshua Desjardins,
new look,
Monday, June 1, 2009
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