I like movies. A lot. I also have lots of opinions about the films I see. So I rate them in regards to how many Red Bulls I would need to watch the movie all over again. I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to comment! :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
WAAAAY Too Much Fun With an iTouch... :)
Having lots of fun with my new iTouch and Mac lately.... Check out the new photos.... :)

Are you serious, California???
Come on, California....REALLY!?!? What the fuck!!?? What does it matter to you anyway? All these people want to do is love each other. Why is that so wrong? Just because a book tells you it's wrong? Didn't you ever learn not to believe everything you read? I'm gay, and I believe in SOME of what that same book teaches us, but you have to be blind not to see that most of it is contradicting. Therefore, it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to believe in EVERYTHING the Bible says without being a hypocrite.

But again....I ask....what is it to YOU? How does someone being gay affect your life at all? The answer is....IT DOESN'T! And if it does, that's your own fault! I just think we, as a country, as a society, as HUMAN BEINGS, should be SUPPORTING those who simply want to LOVE one another. Love. LOVE LOVE love Love loVE loVe LOVe loVe LOVE!!!

(This has been "Really? WTF, California!?" with Joshua Desjardins...) ;)
Joshua Desjardins,
prop 8,
Matt's Wedding
So last weekend was Memorial Day weekend, and it was probably one of the best weekends of my life. One of my best friends from FIRST GRADE got married to his high school sweetheart. Of course, I was in the wedding party, along with the rest of my guy friends who I met in elementary school, and I think we all agreed that it was so good seeing one another....

Eric (he's the tall one in the back) just got back from New Zealand, so most of us hadn't seen him in a year. Tom (also in the back) and Will (he's the hairy jew on the side whom we also call by his last name, Shulik) live together in Boston, but I live in NYC, so I never see them. And Steve (the cowboy...) lives with his fiance somewhere else in Massachusetts, so it's so hard for all of us to come together these days. But despite the fact that we barely see each other and most of us haven't changed a bit since first grade, you could tell our friendships are still as strong as they were almost 20 years ago. And that makes me happy....
I just want to finish by saying that I KNOW how lucky I am to have friends like this... Not many people can say they have friends they still keep in touch with from when they were only about 6 years old, so I thank ALL these guys! They were there for me during a time when I needed them the most, and I will never forget that. I just hope one day I can return the favor....even if Eric DID hit me on the back of the head with a hammer....
....good times..... ;)
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been uber busy....
Check out my next few blogs!!! :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
So it's been over a year since my last serious relationship, and I think I FINALLY met someone who is actually WORTH trying with...
He is the most amazing person! So sweet. Cute. Punkish. Adorable. Sensitive. Likes to laugh, and he pokes me all the time, like he wants to tickle me. Can you tell I'm falling fast? ;)
The only problem is that he is just getting out of a bad relationship. I think he was madly in love with this boy, the same way I was madly in love with my ex. The question is...do I pursue a relationship with this boy KNOWING that it might take some time for him to trust me (or any other guy for that matter)? My gut tells me this boy is worth it. But, of course, my heart doesn't want to get hurt again...
But his situation made me realize something about my own...if we didn't get hurt in the end, I think it means that we didn't care in the first place. If my ex didn't fuck me up the way he did, that whole year and a half we were together would have meant nothing and would have been a complete waste of my time. But that fact that it DID hurt so much in the end, meant it was real, and that, to me, is worth it...
I think I'm gonna go for it with this new boy...and if I get hurt, it's my own fault, but at least it feels good to love again....I forgot what this feeling felt like.... ;)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
"Anytime" by William Finn
A few years ago, I lost my dear friend, Robert Sambursky, to suicide. I sing this song for him...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Officially a Trekie...

Ok, so I FINALLY saw Star Trek today, and can I just say that WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN A TREKIE FOR SO LONG!?!?!?!?!?!? I have wasted 26 years of my life by NOT being addicted to the TV series and movies, but I must thank J.J. Abrams for doing such a fantastic job!
And Zachary Quinto....can I please do you!? You are amazing, and so was everything else about this film! I can't wait to watch the entire series....
"Live long, and prosper..." ;)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Vote for Marti! :)
Hey, yinz!
My good friend, Marti Gould Cummings, founder of MGC Productions and YouTube's Broadway Speaks Out webseries, is DYING to be on RuPaul's Drag Race. He would be PERFECT for the show, so please VOTE FOR MARTI!!!
Yay trannys! :)
My good friend, Marti Gould Cummings, founder of MGC Productions and YouTube's Broadway Speaks Out webseries, is DYING to be on RuPaul's Drag Race. He would be PERFECT for the show, so please VOTE FOR MARTI!!!
Yay trannys! :)
Broadway speaks out,
drag race,
marti gould cummings,
The Greenwich Village Follies
Hey everyone!
I just flyered for and saw this FANTASTIC show yesterday! It is called The Greenwich Village Follies, and it's a musical review all about the history of Greenwich Village. The cast is HILARIOUS, and it plays every Sunday for the ENTIRE SUMMER at the Manhattan Theatre Source right around the corner from Washington Square Park. Tickets are cheap, and you can check them out at www.thegreenwichvillagefollies.com!
I just flyered for and saw this FANTASTIC show yesterday! It is called The Greenwich Village Follies, and it's a musical review all about the history of Greenwich Village. The cast is HILARIOUS, and it plays every Sunday for the ENTIRE SUMMER at the Manhattan Theatre Source right around the corner from Washington Square Park. Tickets are cheap, and you can check them out at www.thegreenwichvillagefollies.com!
greenwich village,
manhattan theatre source,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Myrtle Beach Updates
So here's some pics from the aftermath of my parents' home in Myrtle Beach. They are selling the fridge and stove for really cheap...

Meet "Bea," my new Mac! :)
So today, I bought a new Macbook, and I named her "Bea" after the late Bea Arthur (of course). She is beautiful with aluminum casing, 160mb hard drive, plenty of ram and memory, and I even have my first appointment with her and a Mac genius next week to help us get along even better. I am so happy with my new purchase, I should be able to do twice the amount I was able to do with my last slow pc.
So THANK YOU, Apple, for letting me join your elite club. I am so glad I did, and it's only been a day... :)
Bea Arthur,
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