Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Moon

BOOK: Great! It's actually one of my favorite in the series (mostly because I can relate to Bella when Edward leaves her...)

MOVIE: Eh...

I must say, I think director Chris Weitz caught some of the most important parts from the book beautifully on film, but it wasn't enough. The movie just reminded me how boring the first three books actually are. Stephanie Meyer writes emotion, not story. It's not until her last book when something actually happens! (Note to Mrs. Meyer: Edward leaving is SOMETHING HAPPENING. Having a baby is SOMETHING HAPPENING. Not knowing whether you like Edward or Jacob is NOT something happening!)

But thanks to this movie, however, I am now for Team Jacob... ;)

I give this movie 2 RED BULLS!
(meaning I would need 2 Red Bulls to see this movie again...)

2012 ME!?

So apparently, John Cusack seems to be the only person who can drive a limousine through the streets of California while the earth is crumbling beneath him and buildings are falling all around the place. REALLY!?

But no, honestly, I don't know WHY I saw potential in this film. I guess I thought the plot was going to be more about the Mayan prediction, or the belief in high solar activity for the year 2012, but boy, was I wrong...

This was your typical disaster movie, and I think director Roland Emmerich knew it. I'll admit, this film was VERY FUNNY! But it had to be due to such a poorly written script. I just wish it were the other way around....

I give this movie NO RED BULLS!
(meaning that even if the earth were crumbling beneath me, I wouldn't dare waste a perfectly good Red Bull just to watch this movie again...)