Monday, November 30, 2009


SEXTING = "sexy tesxting"

SERIOUSLY!? Have you ever done this?

(NOTE: Thank you, "Glee," for creating this wonderful new word...) ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Finnian's Rainbow

First off, let me say that I HOPE this show does well now that it has officially opened. I saw it during previews, and it deserves good praise....

But, that being said, the second act is MUCH BETTER than the first! The first was very slow and boring. The music was great, as were the voices of Kate Baldwin and Cheyenne Jackson! And don't get me wrong....the story is cute, but I feel like our ingenue's fall in love instantly. And there's no "love at first sight" thing going on, either. One seen they meet, and the next they're already talking about marriage. What ever happened to some fun flirting!? ;)

What really caught me, however, was in the second act....there was a BEAUTIFUL dance piece between the mute girl and a harmonica player. I was so mesmerized, I was hooked for the rest of the show. I only wished the play had opened with a similar number. Then I might have paid attention during the first act more....

Regardless, the message of the show was beautiful, and it's amazing to think that something that was written so long ago can still coincide with the values and nature of today's society. You would think we might learn over so many years....

I give this musical 2 RED BULLS!
(meaning I would need 2 Red Bulls to see this show again, and mostly for Act 1)

Away We Go

This was a very beautiful movie, and much different than I expected. This film got a lot of hype when it was in theatres, and it was much deserved.

From the trailer, I thought this movie would be about raising a new baby to a couple unfamiliar with raising a family. But instead, this was a beautiful film not just about starting a new life for a new family, but it was more about finding a new home. And sometimes, home is where we least expect it.... :)

I give this movie only HALF A RED BULL!
(meaning I would need less than a full Red Bull to watch this move again...)